De Fuga in Persecutione (Contd)

56 Matt. v. 42.

57 Luke xvi. 9.

58 Matt. xix. 12.

59 1 John iv. 18.

60 Matt. xxii. 14.

Elucidations on De Fuga

61 See what Gibbon can say to minimize the matter (in cap. xvi. 4, vol. ii. p. 45, New York).

62 Cap. xiii.

63 I. cap. iii.

64 pp. 46, 138.

65 In his disgraceful chap. xvi.

Carmen De Iona Propheta

1 [Elucidation.]

1 These two lines, if this be their true sense, seem to refer to Lot's wife. But the grammar and meaning of this introduction are alike obscure.

2 "Metus;" used, as in other places, of godly fear.

This document (last modified February 03, 1998) from the Christian Classics Electronic Library server, at Wheaton College
Modified for the Tertullian Project, May 2nd 2003.