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Photius: Bibliotheca -- Contents 

Here is a list of the codex number, and the work reviewed.  Titles are derived from FREESE for codd. 1-165; beyond that, translated from Rene Henry.  CPG numbers are from RH.

Note that the translations of codices 166 ff. are not public domain.

1 Theodore the Presbyter, On the Genuineness of the works of Dionysius the Areopagite
2 Hadrian the monk, Introduction to the scriptures [CPG 6527]
3 Nonnosus, History
4 Theodore of Mopsuestia, For Basil Against Eunomius [CPG 3859]
5 Sophronius, For Basil Against Eunomius
6 Gregory of Nyssa, For Basil Against Eunomius [CPG 3135?]
7 Gregory of Nyssa, For Basil Against Eunomius [CPG 3136?]
8 Origen, De Principiis [CPG 1482]
9 Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica [CPG 3486]
10 Eusebius, Demonstratio Evangelica [CPG 3487]
11 Eusebius, Praeparatio Ecclesiastica
12 Eusebius, Demonstratio Ecclesiastica
13 Eusebius, Refutation and defence
14 Apollinarius, Against the Heathen, On Piety, and On Truth
15 Gelasius of Cyzicus, Acts of the First Council - Nicaea
16 Acts of the Third Council - Ephesus
17 Acts of the Fourth Council - Chalcedon
18 Acts of the Fifth Council - Constantinople
19 Acts of the Sixth Council - Constantinople II
20 Acts of the Seventh Council - Nicaea II
21 John Philoponus, On the Resurrection [CPG 7272]
22 Theodosius the Monk, Refutation of John Philoponus
23 Conon, etc, Invectives against John Philoponus [CPG 7283]
24 Acts of a disputation between Tritheites and Hesitators
25 John Chrysostom, Notes on Death & Homilies [CPG 4343]
26 Synesius of Cyrene, On Providence, On the Kingdom [CPG 5630-1, 5640]
27 Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History [CPG 3495]
28 Socrates, Ecclesiastical History [CPG 6028]
29 Evagrius Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History [CPG 7500]
30 Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History [CPG 6030]
31 Theodoret, Ecclesiastical History [CPG 6222]
32 Athanasius, Letters
33 Justus of Tiberias, Chronicle of the Kings of the Jews
34 Julius Africanus, Chronography [CPG 1690]
35 Philip of Side, Christian History [CPG 6026]
36 Cosmas Indicopleustes, Christian Topography [CPG 7468]
37 Anon., On Government
38 Theodore of Mopsuestia, Commentary on Genesis [CPG 3827]
39 Eusebius, Against Hierocles [CPG 3485]
40 Philostorgius, Ecclesiastical History [CPG 6032]
41 John of Aegae, Ecclesiastical History
42 Basil the Cicilian, Ecclesiastical History
43 John Philoponus, On the Hexaemeron [CPG 7265]
44 Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana
45 Andronicianus, Against the Eunomians
46 'Theodoret', Against Heresies [CPG 6215]
47 Flavius Josephus, Jewish War
48 'Flavius Josephus' (Probably Hippolytus), On the Universe [CPG 1898]
49 Cyril of Alexandria, Against Nestorius [CPG 5217]
50 Nicias the monk, Against the Seven Chapters of Philoponus
51 Hesychius, On the Brazen Serpent
52 Acts of the synod of Side, 383, against the Messalians
53 Acts of the synod of Carthage, 412 or 411, against the Pelagians
54 A Copy of the Proceedings taken against the Doctrines of Nestorius by the Bishops of the West
55 John Philoponus, Against the Fourth Council [CPG 7271]
56 Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Against Heresies [CPG 6223]
57 Appian, Roman History
58 Arrian, Parthica
59 Acts of the Synod of the Oak, 403
60 Herodotus, History
61 Aeschines, Against Timarchus; On the False Embassy; and Against Ctesiphon
62 Praxagoras of Athens, History of Constantine the Great
63 Procopius, History
64 Theophanes of Byzantium, History
65 Theophylact Simocatta, Histories
66 Nicephorus, Historical Epitome
67 Sergius the Confessor, History
68 Cephalion, Historical Epitome
69 Hesychius Illustrius, History
70 Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library
71 Cassius Dio, History
72 Ctesias, Persica; History of India
73 Heliodorus, Aethiopica
74 Themistius, Political Orations & Lesbonax, Speeches
75 John Philoponus, On the Trinity against John Scholasticus [CPG 7268]
76 Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews
77 Eunapius, Chronicle
78 Malchus, Byzantine History
79 Candidus, History
80 Olympiodorus, Histories
81 Theodore of Mopsuestia, On Persian Magic and wherein it differs from Christianity [CPG 6213]
82 Dexippus, History; Historical Epitome
83 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Histories
84 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Synopsis of the Histories
85 Heraclian, Against the Manichaeans [CPG 6801]
86 John Chrysostom, Letters [CPG 4402-3, 4405]
87 Achilles Tatius, Adventures of Clitophon and Leucippe
88 Gelasius of Cyzicus, Proceedings of the Synod of Nicaea [CPG 6034]
89 Gelasius of Caesarea, Continuation of the History of Eusebius Pamphili [CPG 3521]
90 Libanius, Various
91 Arrian, History of the Reign of Alexander
92 Arrian, Continuation
93 Arrian, Bithynica
94 Iamblichus, Dramaticon
95 John Scythopolita, Against Schismatics
96 George of Alexandria, Life of St. Chrysostom [CPG 7979]
97 Phlegon of Tralles, Collection of Chronicles and List of Olympian Victors
98 Zosimus, New History
99 Herodian, History
100 The Emperor Hadrian, Declamations
101 Victorinus, Panegyrics on the Emperor Zeno
102 Gelasius of Caesarea, Against the Anomoeans [CPG 3520]
103 Philo Judaeus, Allegories of the Sacred Laws, and On the Civil Life
104 Philo Judaeus, On the Essenes and Therapeutae
105 Philo Judaeus, Censure of Gaius and Censure of Flaccus
106 Theognostus of Alexandria, Outlines [CPG 1626]
107 Basil of Cicilia, Against John Scythopolita
108 Theodore of Alexandria, Against Themistius [CPG 7295]
109 Clement of Alexandria, Outlines [CPG 1380]
110 Clement of Alexandria, The Tutor [CPG 1376]
111 Clement of Alexandria, The Miscellanies [CPG 1377]
112-3 Clement of Rome, Apostolic Constitutions and Recognitions [CPG 1730]
114 Lucius of Charinus, Circuits of the Apostles: Acts of Peter, Acts of John, Acts of Andrew, Acts of Thomas, Acts of Paul
115 Anonymous, Against the Quartodecimans - Metrodorus, On the date of Easter
116 Anonymous, A Third Volume on the Holy Easter Feast, in eight books
117 Anonymous, In Defense of Origen
118 Pamphilus & Eusebius, Defense of Origen [CPG 1715]
119 Pierius, Homilies
120 Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses [CPG 1306]
121 Hippolytus, Against Heresies [CPG 1897]
122 Epiphanius, Panarion [CPG 3745]
123 Epiphanius, Ancyrotus [CPG 3744]
124 Epiphanius, On Weights and Measures
125 Justin Martyr, Apology [CPG 1073, 1076, 1084]
126 Clement of Rome, Letters to the Corinthians - Polycarp, Letter to the Philippians
127 Eusebius, Life of Constantine [CPG 3496]
128 Lucian, Dialogues
129 Lucius of Patrae, Metamorphoses
130 Damascius
131 Amyntianus, On Alexander
132-5 Palladius etc, Declamations
136 Cyril of Alexandria, Thesauri [CPG 5215]
137 Eunomius of Cyzicus, Apology [CPG 3455]
138 Eunomius, Against Basil and Letters [CPG 3456]
139 Athanasius, Commentary on Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs [CPG 2141]
140 Athanasius, Against Arius and his doctrines [CPG 2093]
141 Basil, The Six Days' Work [CPG 2835]
142 Basil, Moral Discourses [CPG 2877]
143 Basil, Letters [CPG 2900]
144 Basil, Ascetica [CPG 2876 or 2875]
145 Helladius, Lexicon
146 Anon., Lexicon of the 'pure style'
147 Anon., Lexicon of the 'serious style'
148 Anon., Lexicon of the 'political style'
149 Valerius Pollio, Lexicon
150 Julian, Lexicon -- Philostratus, Lexicon -- Valerius Diodorus, Lexicon
151 Timaeus, Lexicon to Plato
152 Aelius Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Lexicon of Attic Words
153 Pausanias, Lexicon
154 Boethus, List of Platonic Words
155 Boethus, On the Words of Doubtful Meaning in Plato
156 Dorotheus, Of New and Foreign Words in Plato
157 Moeris, Attic Words
158 Phrynichus the Arabian, Rhetorical Equipment
159 Isocrates, Orations, Letters
160 Choricius, Declamations
161 Sopater, Various Extracts
162 Eusebius of Thessalonica, Against the Aphthartodocetae
163 Vindanius Anatolius of Berytus,  A Collection of Agricultural Precepts
164 Galen, On Medical Schools
165 Himerius, Declamations
>166 Antonius Diogenes, The unbelievable marvels to be found beyond Thule
167 Stobaeus, Extracts, Sentences and precepts
168 Basil of Seleucia, Discourse [CPG 6656]
169 Cyril of Alexandria, Against Nestorius
170 Anon, Summary of texts predicting Christianity
171 Eustratius of Constantinople, On the status of souls after death
172-4 John Chrysostom, Homilies on Genesis, etc [CPG 4409, etc]
175 Pamphila, Miscellaneous Historical Notes
176 Theopompus, Philippica.
177 Theodore of Mopsuestia, Against the defenders of original sin [CPG 3860]
178 Dioscorides, Medical handbook
179 Agapius, Manichaean pamphlets
180 John the Lydian, On prodigies, etc
181 Damascius of Damascus, On the life of the philosopher Isidore
182 Eulogios of Alexandria, Against Navatus
183 Eudocius, Paraphrase of the Octateuch [CPG 6022]
184 Eudocius, Paraphrase of Zechariah, etc [CPG 6023-4]
185 Dionysius of Aegae, 'Dictyaques' (?)
>186 Conon etc, Narrations
187 Nicomachus of Gerasa, Arithmetical Theology
188 Alexander of Mindos, Collection of marvels. -- Protagoras, Universal Geography
189 Sotion, etc, Strange stories
190 Ptolemy Hephaestion (=Ptolemy Chennus), New History
191 Basil of Caesarea, Ascetics [CPG 2875]
192A Maximus the Confessor, Questions to Thalassios [CPG 7688]
192B Maximus the Confessor, Letters (27) [CPG 7699]
193 Maximus the Confessor, Various [CPG 7692-3]
194 Maximus the Confessor, Various letters and theological centuries [CPG 7699, 7694, 7700, 7705]
195 Maximus the Confessor, Letter and dialogue between Pyrrhos and Maximus [CPG 7698]
196 Ephrem of Nisibis, Various 'parénèses' [CPG 3905, 3906, 3933, 3936, 3942]
197 Cassian, Three works
198 Anon., Summary of a spiritual prayer
199 John Moschos, Spiritual prayer
200 Mark the Monk, Various works [CPG 6090-4, 6097-6100]
201 Diadochus of Photicia, Various works
202 Hippolytus of Rome, Commentary on Daniel and On Christ [CPG 1872-3]
203 Theodoret of Cyr, Commentary on Daniel [CPG 6027]
204 Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Questions on the Octateuch [CPG 6200]
205 Theodoret of Cyrrhus, Commentaries on the 12 prophets [CPG 6208]
206 Procopius of Gaza, Various scholia
207 Procopius of Gaza, Commentary on Isaiah [CPG 7434]
208 Eulogios of Alexandria, Against the Navatians [CPG 6976]
209 Dion of Prusa, Discourses (80)
210 Caesarius of Nazianzen (Ps.-), Questions and responses [CPG 7482]
211 Dionysius of Aegae, 'Dictyaques' (?)
212 Aenesidemus, Pyrrhonian writings
213 Agatharchidus of Cnidos, On the Red Sea
214 Hierocles, On providence and destiny
215 John Philoponos, Against the treatise on the statues of Jamblichus
216 Oribasius, Epitome of the works of Galen
217 Oribasius, Medical collection
218 Oribasius, Epitome of the Medical collection
219 Oribasius, Euphoristes
220 Theon of Alexandria, The man
221 Aetius of Amida, Work on medicine
222 Job the monk, On the incarnation [CPG 6984]
>223 Diodorus of Tarsus, Against destiny [CPG 3821]
224 Memnon of Heraclea, History of Heraclea
225 Eulogios of Alexandria, Against Severus and Theodosius [CPG 6976]
226 Eulogios of Alexandria, Against Theodosius and Severus [CPG 6976]
227 Eulogois of Alexandria, Against the Theodosians and Gaianites [CPG 6976]
228 Ephrem of Antioch, Letters and sermons [CPG 6908]
229 Ephrem of Antioch, Four works [CPG 6908]
>230 Eulogios of Alexandria, Various treatises [CPG 6976]
231 Sophronius of Jerusalem, Synodical letter to Sergius of Constantinople [CPG 7635]
232 Stephen Gobar, Miscellany [CPG 7300]
233 Germain of Constantinople, On the true and legitimate retribution [CPG 8022]
234 Methodius of Olympus, On the resurrection [CPG 1812]
235 Methodius of Olympus, On creatures [CPG 1817]
236 Methodius of Olympus, On arbitary freedom [CPG 1811]
237 Methodius of Olympus, Banquet of 10 virgins [CPG 1810]
238 Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews
239 Proclus, Manual of Litterature
240 John Philoponus, On the Hexameron [CPG 7265]
241 Philostratus of Tyre, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 
>242 Damascius of Damascus, Life of the Philosopher Isidore
243 Himerius, Declamations
244 Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library
245 Plutarch of Chaeronea, Parallel Lives
>246 Aelius Aristides, Panathenaicus
247 Aelius Aristides, For rhetoric against Plato
248 Aelius Aristides, General apology
249 Anon, Life of Pythagoras
250 Agatharchidus of Cnidos, On the Red Sea
251 Hierocles, On providence
252 Anon., Life of St. Gregory the Great
253 Anon., Martyrology of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus
254 Anon., Martyrology of the apostle Timothy
255 Anon., Martyrology of St. Demetrius
256 Anon., Life of the holy fathers Metrophanus and Alexander
>257 Anon., Life of Paul of Constantinople
258 Anon., Life of Athanasius of Constantinople
259 Antiphon, Orations
260 Isocrates, Orations
261 Andocidus, Orations
262 Lysias, Orations
263 Isaeus, Orations
264 Aeschines, Orations
265 Demosthenes, Orations
266 Hyperidus, Orations
267 Dinarchus, Orations
268 Lycurgus, Life
269 Hesychius of Jerusalem, Eulogy of St. Andrew [CPG 6571]
270 John Chrysostom, Sermon on St. Paul
271 Asterius of Amaseus, Homilies [CPG 3260-1]
272 Leontius of Arabissos, On the creation and on Lazarus
273 Theodoret of Cyrrhus, On St. John Chrysostom [CPG 6225]
274 John Chrysostom, Various sermons 
275 Hesychius of Jerusalem, etc, Homily on James the brother of the Lord [CPG 6574]
276 Nilus of Ancyra, Fragments of homilies [CPG 6078]
277 John Chrysostom, Extracts of various homilies
278 Theophrastus of Eresos, Extracts of various treatises
279 Helladius, Chrestomathy
280 Eulogios of Alexandria, Against the Navatians [CPG 6976]

CPG=M. GEERARD, Clavis Patrum Graecorum, I-IV, Turnhout: Brepols (1974-83).
>=The start of a new volume in R.Henry

I am aware this is a wretched translation of Henry's table of contents.  Improvements are welcome.

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This text was transcribed by Roger Pearse, 15th July 2002.  All material on this page is in the public domain - copy freely.
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