CIMRM 431 - White marble statues of Cautes and Cautopates. North side of Palatine hill, Rome.

From: Universitäts-Bibliothek,
Digitale Bibliothek,
Plate X from the Lovatelli article.

Two marble statues, Cautes and Cautopates, discovered in 1892 between the north side of the Palatine hill and the Via S. Teodoro. Whereabouts uncertain.

CIMRM entry

* I.e. Found "under the north side of the Palatine between this hill and the Via San Teodoro".

Lovatelli writes:

Lovatelli describes the animals as a cock and a dog.

* This is the sloping street up to the Palatine from the Velabrum on the West side.


G. Caetani Lovatelli, "Due statuette di ministri mitriaci", Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma 20 (1892), p.226-234 and Pl. X.

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